FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology is an established modality in its own right. More and more health professional and wellness therapists are learning Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology to add it to their skill base, but remember Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology is an accredited modality of Kinesiology within itself!
To become a registered Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology Practitioner, attendance at RESET TMJĀ® 1 and RESET TMJĀ® 2 is required.Ā
If you wish to become solely a Licensed RESET TMJĀ® Practitioner that is entirely possible too! Remember RESET TMJĀ® is a non muscle testing modality and offers amazing results in clinic.
We offer various workshops:
1. Intro to Kinergetics.
A wonderful workshop for beginners and the general public who have an interest in the basics of Kinesiology, muscle testing, hydration and the meridian system.
2. Balancing Nutrition & Toxicity (BNT).
An eight hour workshop for therapists and the general public who have an interest in Kinesiology, heavy metal toxicity, fight/flight and toxicity issues.
3. Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology Practitioner Training (Units 1-6)
Graduates qualify as Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology Practitioner and can attain international registration with the The Kinergetics RESETĀ® International Trust and can also access therapy insurance. Graduates can join a clinic or set up their own business.
4. KinergeticsĀ® Master Class 1 and Master Class 2
This series ofĀ Master Class workshops are taught by Philip Rafferty and appointed senior instructors. Both workshops contain Philips ongoing research and findings in Kinesiology. We recommend practitioners to attend this workshop to stay up to speed with the cutting edge developments of our modalities.
5.Ā RESET TMJĀ® Workshops 1, 2 & 3.
This 4 hour workshop (four hours for RESET TMJĀ® 1, four hours for RESET TMJĀ® 2, four hours for RESET TMJĀ® 3) is an introduction to KinergeticsĀ® Kinesiology, TMJ imbalances, heavy metal toxicity, Fight/Flight.
Philip designed these three workshops to introduce people to the concept of self-responsibility and effective and holisticĀ balances. The RESET TMJĀ® trainings are non-muscle testing based workshops and are suitable for the general public.
6. KinergeticsĀ® Alleviating Chronic Pain (ACP)
This four-day workshop covers all aspects of Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology relating to Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Heavy Metal Toxicity. It is suited for kinesiologists of other systems wishing to transition to Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology or practitioners who wish to add more tools to their existing toolbox. Launched in Germany in 2017, this workshop is a must-do for all Kinesiologists!
7. KinergeticsĀ® Vibrational Healing Tools (VHT)
This two-day workshop educates practitioners on how to combine a variety of energetic vibrational tools into balances and client sessions. Prerequisite is Unit 4.
There are many different types of Kinesiology. Some types of Kinesiology you may have heard of include; Touch For Health, Hyperton-X, Applied Physiology, Educational Kinesiology, Three in One, One Brain, L.E.A.P., Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T.) plus many more.
Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology was createdĀ by the founder Philip Rafferty and and is maintainedĀ by the members of The Kinergetics RESETĀ® International Trust.
This professionally accredited type of Energy Kinesiology, ensues excellent standards which get results in a safe, effective and holistic way.
Kinergetics RESET Ā® Kinesiology Practitioners have all the necessary skills and knowledge required to be an outstanding practitioner.Ā
Our Licensed Instructors and Practitioners are easily identifiable by their Licence number/ID. This identification system guarantees they have been properly trained and are legally licensed to currently practice and/or teach our modalities.Ā
Our Licensed Practitioners and Instructors are respected and sought after in over twenty five countries. We believe that Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology is the most complete Kinesiology system that uses high quality techniques to balance the body in a structural/physical, chemical/nutritional and emotional/mental way.
Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology is very different so the overall answer is a resounding YES. There is a great deal of difference between courses.
The content of courses around the world can be dramatically different. Some courses are basically lecture style with very little hands on practice or are 100% taught online. Other courses are made up by combining a variety of techniques together to fill up the subject of muscle testing.
We start from the basics and progress to advanced techniques and knowledge.
We follow a specific protocol designed to guarantee the best possible success, ensuring our students are confident of protocols that can be used straight away with clients e.g. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Arthritis.
We are very proud of what we offer.
No, there are no pre-requisites for learning KinergeticsĀ® Kinesiology or RESET TMJĀ®. As long as you have a desire to learn, we will do our best to cater for your learning style. KinergeticsĀ® Kinesiology and RESET TMJĀ® are both very hands-on and practical modalities. There will be teacher led instruction, demonstrations, class discussions and plenty of practice time to make sure you feel competent using the techniques.Ā
We also have a private Facebook group where you can get your questions answered.
We regularly update our schedule of workshops here.
No, we do not teach our modalities online as our students need 70% supervised practice per unit. In order to ascertain the flexibility and range of a muscle it is necessary to teach this in person. Both modalities help with alleviating deep trauma, stuck emotions and heavy metal detoxes. We therefore believe it is ethical for our instructors to be physically present to support our students when these deep releases occur.
As of April 2019, Health funds will no longer cover any natural therapy.
Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology has been taught in twenty five countries and is translated into eleven languages. We pride ourselves on being authentic, practical, and effective. Our unique style of teaching Kinesiology aims to help students to incorporate everything they learn into a thriving kinesiology clinic at a fraction of the cost you would expect to pay at a college.
Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology provides accredited training with the following international Kinesiology Associations.