Diana Irons

Diana Irons is an inspirational Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiologist who specialises in removing energetic & neurological blocks within the body; helps create a client’s passion & purpose; guides clients to help uncover their true potential and personal power whilst inspiring clients to embrace their path to success and well-being.

‘Diana Irons Kinesiology’ Brisbane helps clients with the following issues:

  • Assists in removing imbalanced emotions and trauma held within the body.
  • Releases energetic blocks causing energetics stress within the body.
  • Assist with increasing range of movement throughout the body.
  • Works with the body with releasing pain, emotionally and physically.

Diana is a registered Member of Australian Institute of Kinesiologists, Level 2 Registered Kinesiology Practitioner with Australian Kinesiology Association.

Diana has a holistic approach to Natural Health whilst using the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s wellbeing. Diana combines a mix of Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

‘Kinergetics RESETĀ® Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual.’ Diana Irons, 2021.

Nearest Location: Brisbane, Queensland
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